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What would you do

Posted By: Adeel Lari on 6/10/2009

… for a Klondike bar? Not much? Okay, well, what would you do to work at home?

According to a recent survey by Citrix Systems, Inc. called “Worldwide Workplace: The Web Commuting Imperative”, 1 in 5 workers are willing to take a 5% pay cut for the freedom to telework 1-2 days a week. Not only would employees be happier, savings to companies would be immense.

Some employees feel so strongly about the idea that they have even put together their own YouTube videos. Here’s a great one that summarizes some of the benefits of telecommuting:



As you may already know, you can get more information on benefits on our website here. You can even use the information to make your own video if you’d like. Just make sure to send it to us at
[email protected]

Adeel Lari, M.B.A., P.E.
Director of Innovative Financing, Research Fellow, and Teleworker
Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
University of Minnesota

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