April 11 – 24, 2010

Telework Twin Cities is a two-week event in which Twin Cities metro area commuters make the pledge to telework for one or more days per week.  Take the pledge to be eligible to win prizes. Click on the button below to get started and enter your email for a chance to win.

Grand Prizes: Apple iPad or a Netbook Computer
Prizes: $50 and $150 gift cards

Take the Pledge!

*To be eligible for the grand prizes, participants must fill out a second survey documenting their telework days. The survey will be automatically emailed to participants who register above.  Those who fill out only the initial survey will only be eligible to win the gift cards.  Winners will be notified by email. Drawing dates for prizes will be April 16, April 22, April 30 and May 7.

Breaking News! Governor Pawlenty Declares April
Explore and Experience Telework Month

To view the proclamation as a PDF, click the image below.


WHEREAS: Telework is the practice of working from home via technology such as internet and mobile devices; and
WHEREAS: There are many benefits of telework in Minnesota, from reducing traffic congestion to conserving energy; and
WHEREAS: Telework helps Minnesota families thrive and businesses prosper due to increased flexibility gained through the integration of work, home, and
community; and
WHEREAS: Telework is an initiative of eWorkPlace, a state-sponsored program for Twin Cities Metro Area employers; and
WHEREAS: As an innovative model, eWorkPlace seeks to change and enhance the way Minnesota companies conduct business and increase awareness of the value of telework.

Now, THEREFORE, I, TIM PAWLENTY, Governor of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2010, as:

in the State of Minnesota.

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