Telework Training for Employers and Employees

The Virtual Workplace: A Guide to Telework for Managers is exciting, sharp, colorful, fun and highly interactive. And most important, it’s carefully planned to give your managers exactly what they need in order to succeed at managing remotely. More than 130 e-pages long, the course has four modules, each with several sections, and all illustrated with a dazzling array of contemporary photos of diverse workforces. The content, based on ten core competencies, is designed to make every participant comfortable managing telecommuters. This fully customizable course combines facts and quizzes, choices and challenges. There’s a special section on non-exempt workers, a section on managing virtual teams and one on the process for beginning a telecommuting pilot. There are interactive exercises in every section. And finally, the course invites managers to assess their own competencies from a list of the ten most important qualities for virtual supervision, and directs them specifically to areas that will sharpen those skills. Available in both Flash and html5, the course is viewable on every technical device, from desktops to cell phones. This course will enable managers to:

  • understand the concept of telecommuting/telework
  •  know the difference between myths and reality
  •  see the bottom-line value to the organization
  •  respond to employees who want to work virtually
  •  choose the right people for telework
  •  manage performance effectively
  •  communicate effectively with remote workers

They’ll learn how to measure and evaluate results, keep remote workers linked to the office and on the career track, and anticipate and handle problems.

The Virtual Workplace: A Guide to Telework for Employees provides a realistic and contemporary learning experience for your workforce. The content, based on ten core competencies especially designed for employees, combines facts and quizzes, choices and challenges. The course has four modules, each with several sections, and this course is also illustrated with a dazzling array of contemporary photos of diverse workforces. It includes interactive exercises after each module, and a special section on setting up and working from a home office. With more than 20 distinct sections in its four modules, this fully customizable course will help your employees decide if remote work is for them. And if so, it will help them:

  • prepare their proposal
  • plan and design their home office
  • learn how to deal with reactions to their new work arrangement, both at work and at home
  • practice setting work priorities
  • communicate with manager and coworkers
  • keep their career on track
  • anticipate and practice handling problems

Available in both Flash and html5, this course is also viewable on every technical device, from desktops to smart phones.

Flexibility Training for Employers and Employees 

The Flexible Workplace: A Guide for Managers is the perfect way to jump-start a culture change effort. In just a short time it will actually help your managers understand the skills and specific behaviors their organization is looking for as it prepares for the future, and they’ll be clear about why this kind of manager is important to the organization’s survival. With 23 colorful sections and more than 120 e-pages, it’s designed to give your managers a clear picture of a supportive and flexible workplace. They’ll learn whether that new workplace will demand changes in their management style, and if so, it will guide them as they begin to make those changes. They’ll take a closer look at the challenges involved in introducing workplace flexibility, and practice different ways of solving them. And they’ll learn about seven flexible work arrangements and how each is best managed. The four-module e-training will give managers:

  • a clear picture of a flexible, supportive work environment
  •  the skills and qualities they need to transform your workplace
  •  an understanding of how business needs have changed
  •  practice in focusing on results
  •  familiarity with the flexible work arrangements

After completing this course, managers will be ready to use flexibility as a strategy to meet the dual agenda — the needs of both their employees and the organization.

The Flexible Workplace: A Guide for Employees Employees, too, have an important role to play and important responsibilities when flexibility is introduced. This fully customizable course will guide them as they learn whether or not they’re right for a flexible work arrangement, and if so what each arrangement calls for in the way of skills and preparation. They’ll assess their own ability to work a flexible work arrangement. They’ll be coached to choose the best flex arrangement for them and learn how to set goals for that arrangement. They’ll cover the art of planning with their manager, learn the issues they may need to resolve together when embarking on a flex schedule, issues like communication, use of office time, specific tasks and where they’ll be done, etc. Among the many powerful skills this course will give them, your employees will:

  • examine their own qualifications for working flexibly
  • become familiar with the flexible work options
  • learn when each might be appropriate
  • prepare their proposal, considering business needs first
  • discover the challenges presented by working a flexible work arrangement
  • learn how to overcome them

One module of the course is completely devoted to remote work, and is filled with tips on planning the home office, keeping careers on track, setting priorities and staying in touch with the office.

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