eWorkPlace Program Partners



The State and Local Policy Program (SLPP) at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs has garnered a national and international reputation for research and educational work on telecommunications and transportation. This includes its role coordinating eWorkPlace towards its goals of helping to reduce congestion during peak periods; increasing employee productivity and voluntary retention; reducing real estate costs for employers; saving employees time and money while boosting quality of life; and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the need for costly infrastructure investments for our community.

SRF Consulting Group


SRF Consulting Group is a 100% employee owned company, based in Minneapolis, MN. SRF is a growing practice of knowledgeable, creative professionals who are driven by the desire to help clients create vibrant, livable communities and sustainable transportation systems. The company supports flexible work hours and telework for its own employees.

WFC Resources



WFC Resources has been working with employers worldwide since 1989, helping them to become more flexible, supportive, and effective. The company has established its expertise with Fortune 500, mid-size, and small companies alike, helping managers increase their comfort level with telework and other kinds of workplace flexibility, and employees to be more effective.

Other Collaborators

494 Commuter Services Website
Metro Transit Website
Anoka County TMO – Commute Solutions Website
St. Paul Smart Trips Website
Commuter Connection Website
